Fever Screening 101 – How not to do Fever Screening
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The 4 Ways people get Fever Screening Wrong
There are right ways to do things and there are wrong ways. Screening the wrong way could mean the difference between letting a transmission risk into your door and not. The majority of the mistakes we see companies make usually revolve around three concepts:
- Having the wrong tool for the job
- Using the right tool in the wrong way
- Using the right tool in the wrong process
For mistake #1, make sure any device used for screening are medically rated and have enough resolution to give you an accurate reading. For mistake #2, make sure employees are trained properly! Lastly, for mistake #3, make sure that any process developed has minimal impact due to environmental factors and has proper standoff measures.
We have some example of how not to do Fever Screening below. Can you tell us why?
Example 1:
Example 2:
Example 3:
Example 4:
Call us at 304-532-5284 or email [email protected] to get a system installed today!