COVID-19 and Fever Screening

COVID-19 and Fever Screening

Click link Here or Image below for Guide: COVID-19 and The importance of Accurate Fever Screening

COVID-19 and Fever Screening

Need a Fever Screening solution? We have one for you. Reach out to us today by emailing [email protected] or calling 682-231-3563 to learn more about our solution and how we can put in the measures today to get your team back to work safely:


This COVID-19 and Fever Screening guide provides a background on:

  1. COVID-19 Overview
  2. CDC Guidance on COVID-19 Measures
  3. OSHA Guidance on COVID-19 Measures
  4. EEOC Guidance on COVID-19 Measures
  5. Description of Thermal Cameras and Accuracy
  6. AI vs. Thermal Cameras

Stages of Fever Screening Evaluation

For many of you, you are dealing with the business impacts of COVID-19. Because of this, your organizations are evaluating various technologies which can help you deal with COVID-19.

There are usually three stages we identify organizations at when it comes to evaluating Fever Screening Solutions. These are:

  1. No Process in place – Currently assessing all of the regulatory events involved, as well as conducting a cost benefit analysis
  2. Process in Place but not adequate – Using the right tools but not in an appropriate program.
  3. Process in place but needs improvements – This could be a result of using the right tools but having an improperly designed program.


We want you to know that solutions exists, some solutions are better than others, and all solutions require the right program setup to be successful.




Have a Fever Screening question or need a system today? Contact us at [email protected] or call 682-231-3563 to get a solution that fits your needs. We can help to design a Fever Screening System that’s right for you. Don’t wait, reach out to us today!



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