Restaurant Fever Screening Test


Test 1 of Operation Concrete Jungle: Restaurant Fever Screening test at a classic NYC Trattoria, a neighborhood mainstay for over 30 years.

This Restaurant Fever Screening Test was one of those rare intersections of work when a passion project meets a practical need.

Restaurants serve a key function of providing a place where families, friends, and acquaintances can meet and share ideas over a dining experience.

We conducted a Restaurant Fever test of our solution in this environment to identify how this industry might apply screening in their re-open efforts.

Top lessons learned from this implementation:

1. Getting creative with space

Restaurants are intimate settings, you have to find the most optimal layout with the space given. A proper site audit is needed to determine the best layout, the best arrangements, as well as the equipment needed to install accordingly.

2. Reflectivity

Restaurants often have pictures on the walls contained in glass frames. Mitigating both the reflectivity and faces in the frames will allow the sensor and software to scan properly. Additionally, as the thermal camera solutions will more than likely deployed near entrances, care must be taken to reduce excess light from entrance doorways and windows.

3. Ambient Temperatures

Most restaurants will conduct tests at the entrance. Given the lack of space, entrances are subject to temperature swings from the outside. Restaurants must take care to mitigate the ambient temperatures near both the Thermal Camera and the Temperature reference device to ensure accurate Fever Screening.

4. Constant calibration

The installation is only as good as the daily calibration. Always check temperature values against secondary test methods to ensure accuracy.

4. Other considerations

Public-facing venues have the challenge of scanning customers. Secondary testing and customer communication must be planned for and well-executed to not detract from the experience. Additionally, other steps to consider would be working on outdoor seating arrangements.

There are a number of steps that restaurants need to take prior to re-opening. They also must follow Guidelines at all levels of government. Contact us today to see how we can assist with guiding you through this process.

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Also, check out the latest update from the CDC regarding opening venues such as this: 

#feverscreening #hosptiality #restaurants