Eyes or Ears, the hottest debate in Fever Screening

Call us at 682-231-3563 or email us at [email protected] to get a solution installed today!

Chances are, you have read my other articles on Fever Screening, if not, I suggest “You need this Fever Screening Device” as a good start. If not, we’re going to jump right into one of the hottest debated topics in the Fever Screening world right now. What’s more accurate, the eye or the ear?

Let me preface this with I am not a medical professional and a Professional Engineer by trade. This summary is very much my perspective as someone who installs fever screening systems. With all of that said, let’s get started, so in fever screening, what’s more accurate, the eyes or the ears?

In true consulting fashion, the answer is, it depends. In true academic fashion, we have a series of questions which can help you better understand this:

  1. How many people do you need to scan?
  2. What type of equipment do you have available?
  3. What type of system can I put in place to meet all of my stakeholder needs?

The eyes, specifically the tear duct or inner canthus, can give the most accurate read of surface temperature. However, the tympanic membrane, or ears, can give the most accurate basal temperature if you can access it. From a Thermal Camera scanning standpoint, scanning the tear duct is often easier than scanning the ear canal. Additionally, to access the ear canal, you often have to resort to using a contact thermometer to reach the tympanic membrane which is an inherent transmission risk. Because of this, most thermal camera solutions focus on the tear duct to give a determination of what a target’s temperature is. From a process flow standpoint, it’s more efficient as well as an acceptable method, to scan for the eyes. This works in a scenario where an organization needs to scan a lot of employees or people. This is completely different when used on a one-by-one basis with a medical professional. Depending on the system design, you can have more consistently accurate measures of temperature using the eyes, which is a completely acceptable method for fever screening.

Do you need have a need for Fever Screening Systems? Call us at 682-231-3563 or email us at [email protected] to get a solution installed today!